
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Catholics On the Web: We Are Here!!

I've had the luxury over the last few weeks--a few minutes here and there--to search the Web and follow links to find other terrific Catholic blogs and websites. Catholics are everywhere in cyber space.

St. Maximilian Kolbe would be so proud. He was a master of communications technology, bringing the Light of Truth to his people. And I do believe he would have been a leader in this Catholic Internet community as well.

Let's keep you in the loop!

Here is a collection of new links I think you would enjoy. They now appear on my page, Catholic Links for the Family. Visit often and have fun! There are many others links listed there as well.

(Special note: If you have a blog, or know of a blog, you would like included on my links page, please leave a comment with the link. I'll be sure to visit as soon as possible. I'm happy to help promote solid and useful Catholic resources.)

Coffee and Canticles--At Home with the Divine Office

Catholic Writer Daria Sockey talks "about the Liturgy of the Hours, aka Divine Office, aka Breviary, aka Christian Prayer, aka Morning, Evening, Daytime,and Night Prayer, aka Lauds, Vespers, Terce, None, Sext, Vespers, and Compline (with a dash of the Office of Readings, aka Vigils)." Perfect reading and fun for us Catholic geeks!

Mary's Prayer Garden
Living and homeschooling in Australia, Therese says, "Have a prayer request? Email me and I will offer a decade of the rosary for your intentions for a week." Her site is devoted to our prayer need and is also designed to help us in our own prayer journey. You will find plenty of helpful materials on her blog. I asked Therese, "If you are Down Under, then what do you call the US?" She replied, "Well, if I'm Down Under, then you are Up Over!"

A Perpetual Jubilee

Fellow homeschool mom and Catholic writer, Celeste Behe, brings a wonderful levity to her real- life writings. You'll enjoy her wit, honesty, and writings on all sorts of Catholic topics. She is a uniquely talented writer.

The Badger Catholic
"A husband, father of three, Sconnie, Traditional minded Papist, covering local, state, and other issues affecting Catholic Peasants in the region."

Of Sound Mind and Spirit
The blogs subtitle reads: "Where sisters contemplate, reflect, reason and engage in thoughtful perceptions of the changes in our world." Here you will find terrific insights in how to live the Catholic faith in this modern world, including book reviews, political updates, and pro-life issues.

Don't Know Much About the Rosary
A blog by Peggy Bowes, author of "The Rosary Workout".  Her goal is to spread devotion to the Rosary and a love for the Catholic Church. She posts reflections and links on the Rosary mysteries and other related Catholic topics. She also occasionally writes about fitness and health in the context of caring for the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Click here to see this former Air Force Pilot sharing her story on The Journey Home on EWTN.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishop PDF of Liturgical Year 2011
Here's the complete document from the USCCB's official site.

Praying Through Chaos
Both a mom of three children and a student, this blogger offers some light-hearted insights about her chaotic daily life. Nicely written and designed. A quick visit can brighten your day.

Feminine-Genius: Exploring the Richness of Authentic Femininity
Here is a blog by Genevieve Kineke, author of The Authentic Catholic Woman. Click here to read my book review and to purchase a copy.

The Clay Rosary Girl
Stay at home mom, Sarah, makes terrific rosaries and writes her own blog about living the Catholic faith.

I hope you enjoy! God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love to find new Catholic bloggers that I didn't know of before! What a great list! :)


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