
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Little Something For Mom and Grandma

Here's a little post for all you moms with small children who are still enjoying the "crafting years."

Wouldn't this make a lovely little gift for Moms and Grandmas and Great-Grandmas on Mother's Day? And it's easy to make. For several children, you might want to write their names in the center of the flowers. My Grandma Rose would have loved to have hung this in her room to show to her guests, then to have talked about all her great-grandchildren.

I'm tempted to make one just to brighten my kitchen. Spring is in the air!

It's from the Artists Helping Children website. Click here for complete directions.

God bless!

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  1. Okay, Readers, I'm working on a grammar lesson here, for myself. Consider the sentence: "My Grandma Rose would have loved to have hung this in her room to show to her guests, then to have talked about all her great-grandchildren."

    Tense okay? I first posted it reading, "...would have loved to hang this..., then to talk..."

    I'm curious! Teachers or copyeditors out there to let me know? Yes, after all these years I'm still learning!

  2. This is such a cute craft! BTW: I think the "would have loved to hang" sounds better, but I don't know which one is correct.


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