
Friday, September 17, 2010

"Eyes up here, please!"

How many times do we say to our kids, "Look at me," so we know they are hearing what we're saying? Teachers often say to their classes, "Eyes up here, please," while to pointing to their own eyes.

Experts agree, too, that eye contact is very important while communicating with another--to get a point across.

Maybe, then, it's a good idea to look at Christ when we pray so we can hear Him. (Ah, I bet you thought that I was going to say that we should look at Christ so He can hear us!) It would be good to take away the distractions, gaze up at Him and let Him speak to us. Christ and His Dear Father in Heaven speak in soft whispers.

Recently, I've been carrying in my pocket a small chaplet with the Assisi crucifix. Even when I am washing dishes, I can quickly dry my hands and take out the chaplet, gaze on the crucifix and ask the Lord to help me through this one more task--to make it a small Yes for Him. I have become more and more dependent on Him to show me how to navigate the day by asking Him to show me His will. Yes, even in doing the dishes Jesus has a plan--perhaps to do it in good cheer, as an act of love.

This is the little chaplet I carry, from

It gives me peace, if but a moment, to spend time with Christ--moments that arise throughout a typical and oft times mundane day of chores, education, and caring for my family. Each moment is tiny, but they add up, and the next thing I know I'm placing my head on my pillow at night, realizing that Christ was with me through one more day. Or should I say, I was with Christ...because Christ was always with me and I was the one who wasn't paying attention. I just needed to look at Him so I could hear Him.

God bless.


  1. It gives me great joy to see my chaplet being carried and used with such a love for God! May God Continue to Bless you!

  2. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  3. I go to mass every day then spend a little time before the Blessed Sacrament. Tomorrow I will stay still, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Sometimes I hesitate to do that because the one time I heard from God, He told me to go and preach the Word to the prisoners. We have been doing that for a year now. Nice post, thank you! Patsy from


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