
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Catholic Books and Catechism on CDs

by Kathleen Blease

A friend of mine spends a lot of time commuting, so I thought I’d compile a list of Catholic CDs he can enjoy. Personally, I am at home all day, so I don’t use CDs very much. Thus, I cannot personally endorse these items listed below. However, after doing a little research and seeing all that's available, I just might give up my Hall & Oats CD that's in the car for one of these! Even a short drive to Boy Scouts can become a time for Christ.

By the way, check out number 6 for free Catholic CDs and novels. I just ordered a bunch for myself.

God bless.

Catholic Audio Books & CDs

1. Catholic CD Club
Similar to the Book of the Month format, Lighthouse Catholic Media distributes a featured CD each month to its members. A not-for-profit organization, its website says it's the “first-ever evangelization and apologetics Catholic CD Club. Join today and each month you will receive an exciting talk by one of the great Catholic speakers of our time. After listening, pass them on to others.” Features speakers such as Scott Hahn and Fr. Corapi.

For those of you who depend on CDs, this just might be a good idea, something new and fresh every month. Click here to learn more.

2. The Catholic Mass Revealed
 I have heard a lot of good things about this program, but I haven't tried it myself. The Catholic Mass Revealed (CD, Book, and DVD)

3. St. Teresa
I love St. Teresa of Avila! "Let nothing disturb you."

4. Bishop Fulton Sheen
A great communicator and once adored like a rock star, Bishop Fulton Sheen's words of wisdom have filled a huge selection of CDs. Here are just a few.

Fulton Sheen talks about doctor of the church St. Therese, the Little Flower and her little ways.

5. The Catechism
Study the Catechism on the road or at home.

6. Free CDs

Catholic City provides free CDs through the Mary Foundation. Just a small donation of $1 per CD is required. They feature speakers such as Scott Hahn, Fr. Corapi, and Christopher West, who is well known for promoting Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
They also feature Fr. Larry Richard, who I've heard before. I can't wait to here his The Mass Explained. He's very direct! My teenage boys like Fr. Larry, too. 

Catholic City also provides free Catholic novels.

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