
Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Grace Drizzles In

by Kathleen Blease

Welcome to Kathleen’s Catholic: How Grace Drizzles In. This is a blog of a Catholic homeschooling mom in the modern world.

I’m Kathleen, and I welcome you to join me on my journey as the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, drizzles into my life. Are you surrounded by nonbelievers and nonCatholics? Me, too. And I love them all. I hope this blog will help you and me to be the hands of Christ, His voice and His feet, and recognize, if little by little, how Grace manages to affect our lives and through us affects the lives of those around us. Let’s support one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another. Please do join in and feel free to comment.

Last night, I attended Mass celebrated by our newly ordained Bishop. He called the Catholic Faith "counter-cultural." Isn’t that true! It is a struggle to live in this modern world as a devout Catholic. But it is the good struggle, and in it we find peace. And it's a struggle that is not new; it has been this way since our Christ walked this earth Himself!

Let’s discuss marriage (to Catholics or nonCatholics alike), children, education, cooking, cleaning, great books, great movies, great prayers, and great ideas that will help us bring the tradition, scripture, and history of our Faith into our Domestic Church. In the teachings of one of the doctors of the church, St. Therese of Liseux, The Little Flower, let's put our little ways to work for Christ. In these little ways we can glorify Him and bring Him into our homes. And bit by bit, Grace will drizzle into our lives.

Here we go! May the Lord bless our efforts and guide us. Your words, Lord, not mine!


  1. Hey - first!

    I signed on as a follower to see how that works too.

    Proud of you for puttin' it all out there!

    Sign me,

    An Old Soul With A Grand Spirit

  2. Great Blog and Happy Birthday!! Thank you for doing this Kathleen, you are always a wealth of inspiration and info!


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