
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Catholic Heritage Curricula and SOAP

Need a little advice on the mothering front? I like to visit the support page at Catholic Heritage Curricula. As a Catholic mom in this modern world, I can understand how difficult it is to make decisions others might think are too “old-fashioned.” Some might even tell you that your choices are inconsiderate of others; however, you know that you need to draw a line that others might not understand. (We need to practice doing this gently but firmly. I need practice in this!) Motherhood, unfortunately, is not a popularity contest, but sometimes we do need some affirmation and down-right assistance. You might want to visit to help you with any type of mothering situation you can think of!

Catholic Heritage Curricula is also an excellent resource of Catholic materials for you and your children. Homeschooling or not, you can might find it useful. Visit

It provides excellent curriculum that focuses on the Catholic faith throughout all subjects. If you aren’t home schooling, you might enjoy the Catholic materials for you and your children--from prayers and Catholic stories to religious instruction. Before I homeschooled our boys, I wondered where I could find such materials for everyday enjoyment, and here they are! I can say from personal experience that CHC’s materials are very helpful, well thought out, and very doable for all families, of all ages.

But what you can’t miss is Rita Munn’s family journal at You’ll enjoy reading about her little mission called SOAP (Send Out A Prayer). Rita explains that a bar of soap quietly does it work cleansing and renewing, all the while giving of itself. This reminds me of a candle; how the candle feeds the flame, getting smaller and smaller, while it provides light. I think you’ll find Rita’s tone to be loving and compassionate and so reasonable! She is a mom of 10 children, so Rita’s seen and heard it all, I’m sure!

If you get a chance to visit the site, please share which are your favorite pages and products. God bless! And I SOAP to all of you!

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